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Auctions in Digital Marketing: A Simple Explanation of Different Bid Strategies

What is an Auction in Digital Marketing?

Auctions are a critical and fundamental concept to understand if you are starting out in the field of digital marketing. A lot of beginners find this as a complex topic. It is a crucial element that determines how ads are placed in online searches. The following article explains this process in a simple way, focusing on different bid strategies and their impact.Digital marketing auctions are real-time bidding processes where advertisers compete to have their ads shown to a particular audience. Various bid strategies affect these auctions, determining ad placement.

Common Bid Strategies

1. Cost Per Click (CPC) Bidding

In CPC bidding, advertisers pay for each click on their ad. Suppose an advertiser bids $1 per click and gets 100 clicks; they pay $100. CPC bidding prioritizes ads with higher relevance and quality score. So, even a lower bid can win if the ad is highly relevant. For example, an ad with a bid of $0.90 but a higher quality score may outperform a $1.00 bid.

2. Cost Per Mille (CPM) Bidding

CPM bidding charges per 1,000 impressions. An impression occurs when an ad is fetched and displayed in an app, whether or not it’s clicked. If an advertiser bids $2 per 1,000 impressions and their ad gets 5,000 impressions, they pay $10. This strategy is often preferred for brand visibility.

3. Enhanced Cost Per Click (ECPC) Bidding

ECPC bidding automatically adjusts the CPC bid to maximize conversions. If a system predicts a click will likely result in a sale, it might increase the bid by up to 30%. For instance, with a standard CPC bid of $1, the ECPC might go up to $1.30 if a sale seems likely.

4. Maximize Clicks Bidding

This automated strategy aims to get as many clicks as possible within a budget. It’s a convenient option for those who want to drive traffic without micromanaging individual bids.

5. Target Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) Bidding

ROAS bidding focuses on achieving a specific return on ad spend. If an advertiser wants a 200% return on their ad spend, the system will automatically adjust bids to try to meet that goal.

How Do These Strategies Affect Auctions?

Understanding these strategies provides insight into the auction process, as detailed below:

  1. Matching Ads: The system finds ads with keywords that match a search query.
  2. Filtering Ineligible Ads: Ads targeting different regions or disapproved are ignored.
  3. Calculating Ad Rank: Ad Rank is determined by the bid, ad quality, thresholds, search context, and expected impact of extensions.
  4. Determining Ad Position: The higher the Ad Rank, the better the ad position.

Thus, bid strategies can drastically affect an ad’s position and appearance. Even if competitors bid higher, relevant keywords and ads can win higher positions at lower prices.

How to Choose the Right Bid Strategy?

Choosing the right bid strategy depends on your marketing goals. For brand awareness, CPM might be suitable. If aiming for clicks, CPC might be the way to go. If maximizing conversions is the goal, ECPC or ROAS can be effective.

How to determine the right bidding strategy

  1. Understand Your Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your campaign.
  2. Know Your Audience: Target your ads to the right demographic.
  3. Monitor Performance: Regularly check your ad performance and adjust bids as needed.
  4. Use Relevant Keywords: Align your keywords with user intent to increase relevance.


Auctions in digital marketing might seem complex, but it’s more approachable by understanding different bid strategies and their effects. By choosing the right strategy and following best practices, advertisers can optimize their ad performance.

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