Unleash the Power of Digital Marketing with Ads by A.I

Unearth the transformative potential of AI in digital marketing with our cutting-edge learning program. Gain the skills and knowledge to leverage artificial intelligence for unprecedented insights, automation, and personalized customer experiences.

Our Offerings

Teaching Digital Marketing Skills and Helping Boost Your Business

Expert-led Courses

Master digital marketing with courses curated by seasoned marketers with a decade of experience. Read More...

Strategic Consulting

Accelerate your marketing success with personalized guidance and expert consulting services. Read More...

Learning - Blogs and Videos​

Empower your digital marketing knowledge with our extensive collection of free resources. Read More...

About us

AdsbyAI, created by former Google and Walmart employees, is a leading platform that streamlines digital marketing education. With a keen awareness of the evolving digital realm, our mission is to furnish individuals with essential skills for success. We’re at the forefront of digital marketing, leveraging AI to stay ahead. Through our tailored resources like free blogs, captivating videos, and expert-led courses, we empower learners of all levels to excel in this competitive industry.

Join us as we revolutionize digital marketing education and shape the future of the field.

What customers say about us

Olivia Holmes

These expert digital marketing courses were a breath of fresh air! The instructors didn't just bombard us with complex theories, but instead shared practical real-life examples that I could immediately apply to my business. From optimizing my website for search engines to crafting engaging social media campaigns, these courses gave me the simple knowledge I needed to make a big impact in the digital world

Julia Moore

I can't thank AdsbyAI courses enough for demystifying the complex world of online advertising. The instructors broke down the process step-by-step, helping me understand the ins and outs of effective ad campaigns. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I launched my own ad campaign and saw an incredible increase in website traffic and conversions. These courses are a must for anyone looking to navigate the digital marketing landscape with confidence.

Latest Blogs

Dive into our latest blogs for a fresh perspective on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of online success.

Google Demand Gen Campaign : Discovery campaign in a new wrapper?
Google is well-known (or perhaps infamous) for introducing new campaigns or enhancing existing ones....
Navy Modern Digital Marketing Agency Facebook Ad
From Clicks to Bricks: The Ultimate Guide to Tracking Offline Conversions with GCLID in Google Ads
Online advertising has revolutionized the way businesses reach their target audience. Yet, there’s...
Untitled design
Know Ads Bidding Strategies: Different Types and Use cases
Are you tired of burning your ad budget without seeing results? I know, I’ve been there too. It’s...

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